CBS - Toyota Collaboration Center

Professor Przybylski at the CBS Forum, 10 April 2024

Professor Przybylski
Professor Andrew Przybylski

On 10 April 2024, we hosted Professor Andrew Przybylski at the CBS Forum. Learn more about our guest and his talk below. For more details about the CBS Forum, please visit the link here.

Presenter Details
Name: Andrew Przybylski
Position: Professor of Human Behaviour and Technology
Affiliation: University of Oxford
Links: Webpage at the University of Oxford

Presentation Details
Title: Exploring how internet and social media adoption relates to global well-being in the digital age
Date and Time: 10 April 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 JST
This was held in-person and online.

People holding phones

This talk will provide a historic and empirical perspective on how we might understand the links that might link the adoption and use of the internet, mobile broadband, and social media to longer-term trends in mental health and psychological well-being. Starting with a review as to why this question is important and ways this question has been asked over time it will cover how we have understood and tested the idea. The heart of the talk is a review of three global studies examining technology and wellness across the last two decades with a special emphasis on methodology and representativeness. The talk closes with a reflection on what these kinds of studies can and cannot show us as well as cautions about the perils of oversimplifying a complex global phenomenon. Avenues for future research, the formidable challenges ahead, as well as the value of transparent, reproducible, and diverse research will be explored.

For Inquiries
Contact: rei.akaishi [at]
Replace "[at]" with "@"

Video (Recording of the talk)
With English subtitles:

Transcripts available here.

With Japanese subtitles:

Transcripts available here.

Relevant links

© Copyright Social Value Decision Making Collaboration Unit, CBS - Toyota Collaboration Center (RIKEN Wako Campus, Japan)